The Better Business Bureau is a nonprofit organization founded in 1912
which serves as an intermediary between consumers and businesses to resolve disputes.
A network of over 300 independent charities across the United Kingdom offering consumers free advice. The non-profit organization was founded in 1939 to help consumers deal with financial difficulties, legal issues and other problems.
Partnership of around 300 non-profit consumer organizations established in 1968 to advance the consumer interest through research, advocacy, and education.
The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission is an independent government agency founded in 1972 which coordinates product recalls and regulates the sales and manufacturing of over 15,000 products.
Pop culture online review aggregator covering music, games, movies and TV shows. The site was founded on July 16, 1999 by Jason Dietz, Marc Doyle and Julie Doyle Roberts.
United States based 501(c)(3) membership organization founded in 1899. They fund a number of important consumer advocacy programs including: LifeSmarts, Child Labor Coalition,, and Script Your Future.
UK government-approved regulatory body & competition authority serving the broadcasting, telecommunications & postal industries. The organization was formed on December 29, 2003.
Company founded by Yahya Mokhtarzada and Idris Mokhtarzada which helps consumers find, track and cancel recurring payments for things they are not using.